May 21Liked by Noelle S (Jennifer Incognito)

Amen! What an awesome read and reminder that God is in control! Keep the faith and pray!!✝️❤️🐾🐾

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May 21Liked by Noelle S (Jennifer Incognito)

Will continue to uphold you in your prayers as your case moves forward! I love coming and seeing your prayers here and praying them alongside you. Your words always seem to capture the mood in my heart and touch upon that which I find lacking in myself.

You ARE a blessing to all who read you! May that knowledge help to sustain, strengthen, guide, and console you in the coming weeks...

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May 21Liked by Noelle S (Jennifer Incognito)

These scriptures are saying a mouthful today! I love it when you feel God's word in your soul.

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I’m going through this right now. It’s difficult to trust not knowing the outcome. I constantly reminding myself that His ways are higher than my ways and will be better for me later on.

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Whatever your challenge, stay the course. And keep writing - I have found huge comfort in recording my reflections, and it has also helped me cement His promises to my heart and my daily life better. God bless you.

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